There are various reasons why you may require roadside assistance, but if you don’t want your car to sustain any damage while towing and want it safely delivered to the service shop, you need to opt for flatbed towing.
Here are certain situations where you need flatbed towing:
Tow dollies come with certain weight restrictions, which is why they aren’t suitable for all vehicles. Majority of the dolly towing systems cannot tow SUVs and trucks. If you think you have a heavy vehicle, it is better to inform the towing company about your vehicle’s gross weight so that they can find a heavy-duty rig for you accordingly.
Similarly, if you have a low-rider, then tow dolly isn’t the best option. This is because when the towing truck hits a bump, your car’s exhaust pipes and bumpers will hit the road, which may cause dents and damage to the body.
All-Wheel Transmission
Dolly towing systems are usually designed for cars that have a front-wheel transmission. This is because when a car is being towed, the rear tires have to roll on the road.
All-wheel transmissions are different. If they are towed with a dolly system, it may damage the transmission altogether. Even if there is an option to disengage the transmission, it is always safer to go with flatbed towing.
Towing for Longer Distances
If you require towing in the middle of the highway and are a long way from a service shop, then it is always better to go with flatbed towing. This will ensure that your car is subjected to less wear and tear, as it is securely strapped at the back of the truck.
Damaged Car
If you were involved in an accident, you will most definitely need flatbed towing. There is a high chance that your front axle is damaged and the wheels are misaligned. This makes dolly system quite unsafe for your car.
Vintage Car
If you drive a vintage car, then you probably have made a significant investment in maintaining it. This is why it is better not to take any risk and go for flatbed towing.
Are you looking for a reliable towing service in Avondale, AZ? Call us now at (480) 599.9552.
We offer short and long-distance towing for a number of automobiles like cars, motor cycles, golf carts and more.
Get in touch and we’ll provide quick solutions to all your roadside troubles!